Maimonides Jewish-Muslim Education Institute
Maimonides’ primary goal is to provide a space for discourse in a democratic civil society for Jewish and Muslim communities.
We trust that only the alliance of heart and reason is strong enough to address and fight an array of social challenges prevailing in our communities in the shape of human degradation and contempt such as anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Muslim hostility, and racism.
We seek to provide the religious communities with critical educational and professional toolsets that will enable them to reflect upon their own beliefs and realize them in the light of a democratic state.
We trust that this process of self-content-related prudent education can only succeed if it is processed, developed, and applied by all participants.
We are working together with our target groups by creating a space for personal and groups encounters, discussions and lectures, providing a diverse and challenging curriculum of themes, subjects, lectures, workshops, round table discussion etc.,
We strongly believe, that to generate a sphere of “togetherness”, Jews and Muslims should meet, discuss and work together, to enable a vibrant atmosphere of cooperation and the prospect of living together peacefully with one another.